The heart is one of the members of the human body in the circulatory system, heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not function properly and perform regular, causal happen heart disease such as the following, the muscles of the heart are weak, this is a weakness congenital heart, weak heart muscles make patients not able to do more activities, as if being forced to work way will result in excessive heart pain in the chest, and can cause the body to be normal visible blue color, people with weak heart muscle is easy once for the faint at any time, and for any other reason.
A heart attack is a condition that causes the heart to work in no way up, This can happen quickly and emergencies, and often is referred to heart failure, heart failure has a lot of reasons of sorts, the causative factors are not stable way of blood to the heart muscle work Thus, because of the normal vascular blood flow to the heart muscle become hardened, because fat and cholesterol factors, or by chemical substances such as adopting a lot of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine or ppa, as in Decolgen drugs, and nicotine.
how to prevent and treat heart disease is as following, eat garlic, because garlic has a substance allicin, with full stop smoking, eat foods with vitamin C, eat salt, because salt has a function of blood pressure, eating regularly like eating salmon, Tomato, olive oil, wheat, almonds, and apples, Habatussauda and herbal remedy.
A heart attack is a condition that causes the heart to work in no way up, This can happen quickly and emergencies, and often is referred to heart failure, heart failure has a lot of reasons of sorts, the causative factors are not stable way of blood to the heart muscle work Thus, because of the normal vascular blood flow to the heart muscle become hardened, because fat and cholesterol factors, or by chemical substances such as adopting a lot of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine or ppa, as in Decolgen drugs, and nicotine.
how to prevent and treat heart disease is as following, eat garlic, because garlic has a substance allicin, with full stop smoking, eat foods with vitamin C, eat salt, because salt has a function of blood pressure, eating regularly like eating salmon, Tomato, olive oil, wheat, almonds, and apples, Habatussauda and herbal remedy.